Aus EVE AND ADIS wird OAY Crafts

EVE AND ADIS becomes OAY Crafts

Dear EVE+ADIS Community,

after 4 years EVE and 10 years EVE+ADIS it feels like it is time for a change. We are so grateful for this experience and we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you.
This is a dream come true, being independent and making a difference with crafts that consider the planet and animals in every decision. We have the most incredible customers that came through in waves of support which is such a gift. Thank you for taking a chance on a small brand. This community is the reason we've made it so far, and have continued to grow every year.
We would like to invite you to a very new journey with us. All you have to do is to stay connected at this place where we share our life and work with you.
Please be curious for the next few weeks to come.
Eva-Maria + Adis
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